Successfully completed testing of steel industrial structure on a shaking table in Italy within the SPIF project

Successfully completed testing of steel industrial structure on a shaking table in Italy within the SPIF project

Testing of the steel 9 m high three-storey industrial structure with non-structural components (tanks, pipes, conveyor belts) was successfully carried out on a shaking table in the EUCENTRE (Pavia, Italy). Marko Marinković, as a representative of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, participated in this project as a partner in the planning and execution of the structure as well as in the execution of the test.

Details about the project can be seen at the following link: SERA Framework - SPIF

This work was supported by: SERA grant agreement No. 730900; the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) in the frame of the ‘Departments of Excellence’ (grant L 232/2016). Moreover, the authors would like to express their gratitude to EUCENTRE Foundation for the access to the laboratory’s shake table.