At the 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering held in Milan during 30.06-05.07.2024, members of the Institute had a notable participation.

At the Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade, from June 18-21, 2024, the third training school within the COST Action (COST ACTION CA20109) MODENERLANDS (Modular Energy Islands for Sustainability and Resilience) was held. The theme was the conceptual design of floating energy islands from traditional concepts to digital-twins driven design. The head of the COST Action is Prof. Dr. Carlos Rebelo from the University of Coimbra. Asst. Prof. Dr Anina Glumac, with the help of colleagues Asst.

As part of the Cost Action program, the EuMINe // COST Action CA22143 // European Materials Informatics Network has been approved for funding from 2023 to 2027. The EuMINe COST Action aims at promoting an international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral community focused on the application of materials informatics to the development and engineering of advanced materials. Overcoming current fragmentations, EuMINe targets the harmonization of approaches and resources, contributing to the creation of a shared European knowledge on the application of data-centric technologies to materials science and engineering.

As part of the Cost Action program, the ECO4ALL // COST Action CA22124 // Circular Economy Network for All: Consumer Protection through reducing, reusing, repairing has been approved for funding from 2023 to 2027. The main aim of the ECO4ALL Action is to contribute to the information, reflection and dissemination activities for youth at large, academics, young researchers, staff of the public administration, business environment and for civil society as a whole regarding the circular economy.

As part of the Cost Action program, the TrANsMIT // COST Action CA21127 // Techno-economic analysis of carbon mitigation technologies has been approved for funding from 2022 to 2026. Focus of the project is on the advancements in development of the most technologically, economically and commercially feasible CO2 Capture, Utilisation, and Storage (CCUS) technologies and systems. It aims to bring together academia, research institutes and industry into a cutting-edge, pan-European knowledge network.